Mickey Mouse Act and Copyright Expiration

What is Copyright?

Copyright is a legal framework that grants creators exclusive rights over the use and distribution of their works. These rights extend to various forms of intellectual property, including literary works, artistic creations, and even computer software. Copyright law has been pivotal in fostering creative industries since its inception in the UK in 1710.

Under current U.S. law, general copyright protection spans the life of the creator plus 70 years. Certain works, however, may receive extended protection terms, as seen in cases like Disney’s iconic characters.

The Mickey Mouse Act

A poster of “Michey Mouse” Sound Cartoon in 1928
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In the United States, Disney played a key role in extending copyright terms through lobbying efforts. The 1998 revision, often referred to as the “Mickey Mouse Act,” established the current standard: a copyright term of the author’s life plus 70 years, with an extended 95-year protection for certain corporate works. This extension protected early Disney creations, including Mickey Mouse’s debut in Steamboat Willie (1928).

Mickey Mouse: Trademark and Copyright Do and Don't

Mickey Mouse: Trademark and Copyright Do and Don’t
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Expiration and Public Domain

Like the patent loophole discussed in my previous post, copyright can also serve as an opportunity to benefit the public. As of January 1, 2024, Mickey Mouse’s original appearance in Steamboat Willie has entered the public domain after 95 years of copyright protection. Following this milestone, the gaming company IGN released Infestation: Origins, a title that reimagines Mickey Mouse in a controversial light, evoking mixed reactions from audiences.

“Infestation: Origins” is a survival horror game developed and published by Nightmare Forge Games. Announced on January 1, 2024, the game was inspired by the public domain status of the 1928 animated short Steamboat Willie and features Mickey Mouse as portrayed in the original film. The game entered early access on November 15, 2024, and is available on Microsoft Windows.

As of January 2025, Infestation: Origins holds a “Mostly Positive” rating on Steam, with 77% of 89 user reviews praising the experience. While its popularity is moderate, the game has been generally well-received by its player base.

“Infestation: Origins” is a survival horror game released after Mickey Mouse’s original copyright entered the public domain.
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