Navigating Commuter Maze With a Bluetooth Tracker
Bluetooth Tracker
As usual, I am absentminded most of the time, especially when I am on my way to work. Stuff often gets lost luckily at home or in the middle of the roads. Here comes such a scenario that could have been worse without a Bluetooth tracker.
Figure 1. A Bluetooth Tracker, chipolo (Image Source :

A: Home
Have you ever had one of those mornings where you’re racing against time? Today, my commute began like many others, but with a twist. I hopped on a rental bike and dashed through a path covered in beautiful autumn leaves, enjoying a brief moment of tranquility.
B: The Station
After a brisk ride and some daring traffic maneuvers, I reached the station just in time. I hurried down to the GTX platform (Seoul’s high-speed subway, cruising at 112 mph or 180 km/h). But panic set in when I realized my commute card and ID were missing from my purse. It must have slipped out somewhere on that leafy path.
C: The Autumnal Path
Thankfully, I had a Bluetooth tracker attached to my purse. I checked the app, which pinpointed the last known location of my purse. Deciding to give the tracker a field test, I returned to the path. I parked my bike near a construction site, where two friendly workers cautioned me about leaving my bike there. They then joined me in my search, and to my delight, we found the purse hidden under the leaves!
Figure 2. Seek the Pulse in the Pile of Fallen Leaves

D: The Station, Again
Feeling quite victorious, I made my way back to the station under the crisp autumn sky, thinking I’d surely catch my train now. But then, another setback—my phone was missing! With the bike rental still needing to be closed out, I turned to my old Apple Watch for help, activating the “Find My Phone” feature.
E: Back to the Autumnal Path (Once More)
Figure 3. My Bluetooth Tracker Saves My Day

I retraced my steps yet again, guided by the faint beeps from my watch. There, next to a traffic controller box, I found my phone, carefully placed there by a kind soul.
F: The Station, Third Time’s the Charm
With both my purse and phone back in my possession, I finally boarded the GTX. Despite the morning’s adventures, I arrived at work on time, grateful for technology and the kindness of strangers.
It might not have been the smoothest commute, but it was certainly one for the books!
Figure 4. Safe Arrival to the Underground GTX Platform